This ‘Are Those Reebok Or Nike’ Radio Call-In Will Blow Your Mind (Video)

Have you ever sang along to a song you really liked, only to discover you were singing the wrong lyrics the whole time? We guarantee it’s not as bad as this one.

Misinterpretations of song lyrics often produce hilarious results, and the video below is no exception. A listener called in to a radio show in the Dominican Republic to request a song he claimed was called “Are those Reebok or Nike?” You know, that hit single…

Before you watch the video below, see if you can guess what song he was actually talking about.


Perhaps the most impressive part of the clip is how quickly the radio host is able to discern what song his misled caller was actually referring to.

For those of you who didn’t cheat, that’d be the 1993 hit single “The Rhythm of the Night” by the Italian band Corona.

Now good luck getting this song out of your head.

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