10 Biggest Lies Ever Told In Sports Include A-Rod, Baltimore Colts (Photos)

USC defensive back Josh Shaw told a pretty big lie.

Shaw admitted Wednesday that he fabricated a story about jumping from a second-floor balcony to save his 7-year-old nephew from drowning in a pool as the reason for sustaining two high ankle sprains. But is it the worst lie in sports history?

Dishonesty in sports is far from a new phenomenon. In fact, we might never know the veracity of some tales. But more than enough claims have been proven to be flat-out lies.

From the relocation of the Baltimore Colts, to pretty much the entirety of New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez’s career, we counted down the biggest fibs in sports. And believe us, there are some doozies.

Click here to see the 10 biggest lies in sports >>