Here’s What Could Happen If You Don’t Completely Clear Snow Off Your Car

If you live in the Northeast, chances are you’re feeling the effects of Winter Snow Nico. And if you plan on driving in this mess, don’t make others feel the effects of your carelessness.

Driving in the snow is difficult. There are plenty of skills and tips you can use to make the process easier, but driving in a nor’easter still isn’t something anyone wants to do. If you are going to brave the elements, though, you need to look out for your own safety, as well as the safety of other people on the roads. That starts with completely clearing the snow off your vehicle.

Many people just clear off the windshield and/or hood, but that’s not enough. Not clearing all the snow can pose serious risks to people driving behind you. Don’t believe us? Watch this video The Weather Channel posted to its Facebook page, in which host Jen Carfagno — assisted by augmented reality — demonstrates the risks of not clearing off your vehicle.

First of all, that 3-D representation of a Volvo XC90 really wasn’t bad.

More importantly, though, this video shows the ever-present importance of not being lazy. We get it, your hands are cold. We here at NESN Fuel have hands, too, and we’d prefer they always be warm. But you’re not the only one on the road, and flying sheets of snow/ice aren’t good for anyone.