Motorcycle Rider Dodges Buck Right After Passing Deer-Crossing Sign

Driving a motorcycle comes with some inherent risks, including flying objects, heavy precipitation and little resistance against larger vehicles.

You can add large, antler-bearing mammals to that list, too.

A video recently uploaded to CaughtOnCamera shows a group of motorcyclists casually passing a deer-crossing sign as they ride along a highway. Things escalate quickly, however, when one of the riders is forced to swerve to avoid being hit by a jumping deer, and falls off his bike.

Fortunately, the rider appeared to be okay, although things clearly could’ve been much worse. Personally, we’re not sure the image of a galloping buck heading straight for us could ever be fully erased from our minds.

Considering how this event unfolded, we think the sign should have “in exactly 100 feet” written right underneath the deer image.