Police Chief Writes Himself Speeding Ticket, Gives Same Excuses We All Do

Many people likely assume police officers essentially are immune from getting a speeding ticket. That is, unless they issue themselves one.

Justin Burch, a police chief in Sperry, Okla., posted an apology Saturday on the Sperry Police Department’s Facebook page, claiming he wrote himself a ticket for speeding. Burch said a citizen made a complaint about his speed, and after reviewing video evidence, issued himself a $300 ticket, according to the Associated Press, via Popular Mechanics.

Though not included in the apology, Burch reportedly admitted he’s not sure he would’ve issued the ticket if not for video evidence. Perhaps most interestingly, Burch admits to having a reason for being in a hurry, but concedes that doesn’t justify his speeds.

It’s good to know everyone is subject to the rules of the road, even those working to enforce them.

Thumbnail photo via Pexels