E3 2017: ‘South Park: Phone Destroyer’ Headed For Mobile Devices In 2017

Looks like you and your phone or tablet are about to head on down to “South Park.”

During its press conference at the 2017 Electronic Entertainment Expo on Monday, Ubisoft revealed “South Park: Phone Destroyer,” which will assault your mobile device sometime this year. The game looks to build upon the themes, stories and turn-basted combat seen in 2014’s “South Park: The Stick of Truth.”

Check out the reveal trailer for “Phone Destroyer” below and, as you should with anything “South Park” related, remember that some of the content might be considered NSFW.

Personally, we expected this game to look half baked and somewhat uninteresting, but it actually looks pretty cool.

This wasn’t the only “South Park” news to come out of E3 on Monday, though. Ubisoft also announced “South Park: The Fractured But Whole” will arrive Oct. 17 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.