Rental Truck Is 119th Victim Of Infamously Low ’11-Foot-8 Bridge’

As it turns out, hell on earth for trucks doesn’t lie on a cliff-side road in Peru.

Rather, it lies under a bridge in Durham, N.C.

Yovo68 is a YouTube channel that exists solely to house videos of trucks colliding with “The 11-Foot-8 Bridge,” a railroad trestle in Durham that’s infamous for giving unwanted buzzcuts to trucks over the years. On Thursday, the bridge struck again, claiming what the channel says is its 119th victim.

The fact this keeps happening is pretty insane, as you’d think the city would put up more eye-catching warnings than a standard clearance sign and a yellow bar directly in front of the bridge. Especially considering the spot is so well known.

There’s even a website dedicated to the bridge, which the page says is roughly 100 years old and is hit by a truck about once a month.