Radio Host’s Blustering Rant About Giants’ Offensive Line Is An All-Timer

What does the New York Giants’ offensive line have to do with the Pythagorean theorem and National Geographic?

Well, nothing. But ESPN’s Radio’s Don La Greca somehow found a way to incorporate both Wednesday on “The Michael Kay Show,” going off on the Giants’ woeful offense in one of the wackiest sports radio rants in recent memory.

There’s a lot to unpack here, but the biggest takeaway is that La Greca is NOT an advanced stats guy. That’s right: He prefers the “eyeball test” and would like you math nerds to take your “Pythagorean theorem” and shove it, even if his reference doesn’t really make any sense at all.

A couple other highlights: La Greca calling out people who “only know the naked body through National Geographic,” then finishing things off with his best Mike Gundy impression:

“I’ve been watching football for 40 years. 40! That’s the worst offensive line I’ve ever seen.”

Co-host Michael Kay remained blissfully calm throughout the whole rant, so it sounds like this sort of bluster is nothing new for La Greca. And if the Giants keep playing like they did Monday night against the Detroit Lions, we could have another rant coming down the pipeline very soon.