Stephen Curry Apparently Made 94 Of 100 3-Pointers At Warriors Practice

Stephen Curry is not of this world.

The Golden State Warriors guard currently is working his way back from a sprained ankle he suffered Dec. 4. And if his performance in practice offers any indication, the NBA’s greatest shooter is just about ready to return.

Bruce Fraser, the Warriors’ player development coach, recently did an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle’s Connor Letourneau. And at one point, Fraser revealed that Curry knocked down a staggering 94 of 100 3-pointers in a recent Warriors practice. But the two-time NBA Most Valuable Player apparently can do better.

“I would say for him, that’s a really good number,” Fraser told Letourneau. “I’m not saying that’s his best. Ninety-six is his best ever. But 94 basically shows you that he’s in a good rhythm. He’s shooting well.”

Good rhythm?! Talk about an understatement.

Just because Curry is “shooting well,” however, doesn’t mean he’s ready to return to game action.

“You can’t say, ‘Oh, he should be back because he shot a 94.’ You can’t say that,” Fraser said. “He has to go up and down. There’s stamina involved. There’s force and exertion on his ankle. Those things that exist in a game don’t exist in spot shooting.

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The talent-loaded Warriors have done just fine without their All-Star guard. Since Curry went down, the Dubs have won nine of 11 games, including a seven-game winning streak.