Celtics’ Kyrie Irving Resigned To Being ‘Attacked’ For Rest Of Career

Whoever’s tasked with driving the wambulance is working overtime, and Kyrie Irving is to blame.

The Boston Celtics guard has been all over the map this season, ranging from hopeful, to kinda chill to downright despondent. And, at times, he’s sounded like he’s longing for… someone.

(LeBron James.)

Anyway, Irving’s newest beat is complaining about the trials and tribulations of being paid a bajillinzillionquadrillionbarillion dollars to play professional basketball. The unrelatable musing has led to some awkward hypocrisies, particularly when Irving, a budding straight-to-VHS movie star, has complained about cameras being in his face.

Irving recently made another call to 1-800-cry-me-a-river (1-800-279-63-2-74837 on your dial tones) when he sat down with The Athletic’s Joe Vardon for a wide-ranging interview.

“The deal that I had to become aware of, that I was signing up for, was like once you become one of the most coveted guys in the league, you’re signing up for basically, like you’re going to be attacked for the rest of your career,” Irving said. “You’re going to be praised. You’re going to be brought up, you’re going to be brought down because that’s just the nature of the business.”

Man, that must be, like, soooo tough.

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Listen, we’re not saying being an NBA superstar means someone has to be happy and content with everything. Life is hard. Everyone has their own crap to deal with, and money can’t fix all of it. Plus, being under the microscope on a daily basis sounds exhausting.

That said, if you want to be a rich and famous baller, this is the price you pay. Suck it up or do something else.

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