Bill Belichick Provides In-Depth Explanation Behind Coffee Hatred

Belichick can't even stand the smell of it

Admittedly, coffee can be an acquired taste for some.

It’s warm and nutty aroma sometimes can stun you at first sip with its surprisingly bitter flavor, but after starting off with some cream and sugar for a little while, many eventually graduate to drinking it black once they’re hooked.

But not Bill Belichick. Apparently no amount of sweeteners can make it drinkable for the New England Patriots head coach, who shockingly has propelled himself to status as one of the best coaches in NFL history without it.

He broke down his hatred of coffee on WEEI’s “Ordway, Merloni & Fauria” on Tuesday.

“I mean, look. I understand I’m probably missing it, but I don’t like coffee,” Belichick said, as transcribed by WEEI. “I can’t stand the smell of coffee. I don’t like coffee ice cream, and I like every sweet that has ever been made. I don’t know. I just don’t have a taste for it. I’ve tried, but it just doesn’t work for me. My grandmother put a glass of milk and poured, like, probably a thimble of coffee in it, and I couldn’t even drink that. It’s just one of those things. I just didn’t develop the taste for it. I didn’t develop a taste for scotch, either. I tried that, but I just couldn’t develop a taste for it. Nothing against coffee, nothing against Dunkin’ Donuts, nothing against anything. It’s just not for me.”

America runs on Dunkin’, just apparently not Belichick’s America.

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