If the Busch Stadium Rally Squirrel — which scampered across home plate during Skip Schumaker‘s at-bat in Game 3 of the NLDS series between the Cardinals and Phillies — is to return to the ballpark during the NLCS, he may have to escape from a wildlife rescue center.
According to KSDK in St. Louis, a squirrel that may be the now-famous rally squirrel has been captured.
“He won’t get peanuts and popcorn like he does here. But he’ll have very healthy food and a great environment,” said Pam Bolton, executive director of the Wildlife Rescue Center.
While there is no scientific proof to prove that it is, in fact, the same squirrel that fascinated the Busch Stadium crowd in Game 3 last week, rehabilitation manager Kim Rutledge said that it could absolutely be the one and that he may have acted out as a practical joke.
“You see personality in all of the animals that come through. He’s definitely got a lot of personality. He’s definitely very active, and probably a little bit mischievous,” she said.
The only thing Rutledge can say for certain, though, is that the Rally Squirrel is an adult male and that his diet is about to undergo a change — no more living on peanuts and popcorn every night.