Red Sox Getting Loose in Anaheim


Oct 6, 2009

Red Sox Getting Loose in Anaheim I feel like I have deja vu. I’m on a plane headed for Anaheim for the first round of the playoffs.  This is exactly what happened last year, with great results for the Red Sox. Boston eliminated Anaheim in four games in 2008.

The Red Sox held an optional workout at Fenway Park on Monday, and a good amount of players came to take some grounders and extra batting practice. I was a bit surprised that not everyone on the team came, like they did last year. But this year is a bit different, since the Red Sox don’t expect to play until Thursday. But just in case they play Wednesday, the team is heading to Anaheim on Monday to be ready.

Confusing, I know. 

The team will hold mandatory workouts in Anaheim on Tuesday and Wednesday leading up to the game (likely Thursday). It’s a bit strange that the schedule will be up in the air until Tuesday night.

The Yankees (by virtue of the best record) get to choose which series they play, the one that starts Wednesday or the one that starts Thursday. They don’t have to pick until an hour after their opponent is determined, and that won’t be decided until Tuesday night.

The reason for that is because Detroit and Minnesota ended the season tied for first in the AL Central, and must play a one-game playoff to determine who advances and who goes home. That game is Tuesday, because the Metrodome (where the Twins play, and the tiebreaker game will be held) hosted Monday Night Football between the Vikings and Packers on Monday, so the game can’t be played until Tuesday.

Now that that’s cleared up, back to the Red Sox.

The team loaded onto a big 767 to make the six-hour flight to Anaheim. The weather is supposed to be low- to mid-70s and sunny. It’s great weather for the team to get a couple of workouts in and recover from the long flight. 

I like the Red Sox’ chances with Jon Lester on the mound for Game 1. Lester seems to have gotten comfortable with Victor Martinez behind the plate, and that means the Red Sox’ best lineup will be on the field. I know the final couple of games of the season were against the Cleveland Indians, but the onslaught of runs in those games was encouraging heading into these games where it really counts.

I’ll be bringing you some behind-the-scenes looks throughout the playoffs, so make sure you check back with for the latest as the Red Sox, and this reporter, look to go all the way to the World Series!

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