Many Red Sox fans will never find Game 6 of the 1986 World Series funny. Luckily for fans of HBO’s Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry David is not a Red Sox fan.
In an interview with the New York Times, David admitted that while he is a Yankees fan and should bear ill will towards Red Sox Nation, he doesn’t.
“I don’t hate [the Red Sox] as much as I used to,” David says.
But he isn’t afraid to use painful memories from Red Sox history for comedy, either.
In an upcoming episode this season, David will seek out the advice of former Red Sox first baseman Bill Buckner after letting a ground ball get by him during a softball game.
After writing the script for the episode, David initially worried if Buckner would want to play along.
“I didn’t want to change the character to Bruckner,” David admits. Ultimately, Buckner agreed to come on board to play himself, much to David’s delight.
Curb Your Enthusiasm in its in eighth season on HBO, and Bucker’s episode is scheduled to air as the ninth episode. Maybe by then Red Sox fans will be ready to laugh about Game 6.