Kentucky T-Shirt Features Spelling Error in Spelling-Based Shot at Louisville


Jan 17, 2012

There has to be something we're all missing here, right?

There's simply no way that some University of Kentucky rooter really went through all the trouble of thinking of a catchy T-shirt slogan to tweak rival Louisville and then arranged for said T-shirts to be made with an ironic spelling error, is there?

Unless the Wildcat in question is operating at a higher level of humor than the rest of us, and we're all just ignorant to the hilarity, then this is just pitiful.

"Can't spell PITYFUL without a UL," reads a T-shirt presumably created by a Kentucky fan.

Very true, Mr. T-shirt Maker. You also can't spell "pitiful" with a "y."

This would be embarrassing no matter what, but the fact that this shirt was intended as a spelling reference from the get-go makes it priceless.

As Cardinals coach Rick Pitino might say: A spell-checker is not walking through that door.

(Fist pound to CFB Section)

Photo of the day

On the bright side, that's a very nice font.

Kentucky T-Shirt Features Spelling Error in Spelling-Based Shot at Louisville
Photo via

Quote of the day

"Well, I think Tim's earned the right to be the starting quarterback going into training camp."
–Broncos president John Elway on Tim Tebow's role next season 

Tweet of the day

If there's some sort of petition, just let me know where I can sign.

Kentucky T-Shirt Features Spelling Error in Spelling-Based Shot at Louisville

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Is the Lingerie Football League really making its players walk to Las Vegas? That's not very nice.

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