Pitt Player Rocks His Own Turnover Chain After Upset Win Over Miami

Like it or not, the turnover chain has been a rallying point for the No. 2 Miami Hurricanes this season.

However, it was a source of embarrassment Friday.

Miami’s unbeaten season ended after a 24-14 loss to Pittsburgh at Heinz Field during Senior Day. After the game, Pitt defensive back Avonte Maddox trolled the Canes by rocking his own turnover chain.

Hey, being 5-7 doesn’t give you many chances to look fresh, so you better take them when you can get them.

Maddox was a worthy recipient of the Panther bling, as his fourth-quarter forced fumble sealed the upset victory.

With the loss, Miami dropped to 10-1 on the season. They’ll likely need some outside help if they want to keep their College Football Playoff hopes alive.