These Hockey Uniforms For MLB Teams Are Best Things You’ll See All Day

Ever wonder how your favorite Major League Baseball team would look in hockey uniforms?

No? Well, you probably should have.

Ferry Designs recently designed hockey uniforms for every MLB team, and the results are fantastic. In all honesty, you could make the case that each hockey uniform is better than its baseball counterpart

Check these out:

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Here’s each uniform compiled in one graphic, courtesy of ESPN’s John Buccigross:

So, which uniform is the best?

As a matter of fact, it might be one that didn’t even make the final cut.

Again, nearly all of these uniforms are amazing. The San Francisco Giants are the only team that might have gripe.

Anyways, here’s our top five (excluding the St. Louis Cardinals alternate):

1. Oakland Athletics
2. Boston Red Sox
3. San Diego Padres
4. Chicago Cubs
5. Tampa Bay Rays

On second thought, maybe the Los Angeles Angels should make that list. And hey, the Arizona Diamondbacks look pretty sweet, too. Hell, we even could put the New York Yankees at No. 1.

Actually, forget what we said: The Boston Red Sox clearly have the best hockey uniform. Those blue outlines are the difference maker.

About the Author

Dakota Randall

Plymouth State/Boston University product from Wolfeboro, NH, who now is based in Rhode Island. Have worked at NESN since 2016, covering the Patriots since 2021. Might chat your ear off about Disney World, Halo 2, and Lord of the Rings.