Few things in life are more aggravating than being near awful drivers on the road. In particular, being behind a bad driver on a highway is just the worst.
Well, Michael Chavis is among those who have little patience for people who drive like they just finished their first Drivers Education class.
The Boston Red Sox infielder took to Twitter on Monday to vent his frustrations.
Take a look:
Ya know this shouldn’t need to be addressed but here we are. If you’re driving, especially on the highway, simply taking your foot off the gas will significantly slow you down. You don’t have to hit your breaks every 2 seconds when the car infront of you is 15 car lengths away.
— Chief Chavisâ„¢ (@MichaelChavis11) November 4, 2019
It’s number two on the Misused & Misunderstood car parts list, just behind the mysterious turning signal.
— Chief Chavisâ„¢ (@MichaelChavis11) November 5, 2019
Though Chavis is right to criticize poor driving, he actually might be part of the problem. Driving to the gym while wearing a super realistic Batman costume probably is distracting to other people on the road.