Julian Edelman Roasts David Andrews After Center Returns To Patriots

Andrews' time on the open market was short-lived

Certainly, Julian Edelman is happy to have David Andrews back.

But the New England Patriots wideout couldn’t help but roast his teammate.

When the Patriots signed Ted Karras, it seemed like a forgone conclusion Andrews would be headed elsewhere. Edelman penned a farewell post, and Andrews attracted interest from other teams.

But in an interesting pivot, Andrews returned to the Patriots, something he confirmed on social media Friday morning.

The quick turnaround from “he’s definitely gone” to “oh wow, he’s back” was the subject of a social media post from Edelman on Friday afternoon.

Well played.

With Andrews back, he’ll likely hold onto his spot as starting center, with Karras to become a swing tackle and backup center. Whatever roles everyone assumes though, the O-line is once again going to be a huge area of strength for the Patriots.