Everyone Made Same Joke About USA-England World Cup Soccer Match

#RevolutionaryWar was trending on Twitter -- seriously

Stop us if you’ve heard this before, but England and what’s now known as the United States went to war against each other a long time ago.

(They did so more than once, but we digress.)

In case you skipped most of elementary school history, you might have gone into Friday’s World Cup match thinking it was just a simple soccer game. Yet while England was heavily favored, many American fans seemingly hoped for an upset worthy of 1776.

The mass of tweets was enough to get #RevolutionaryWar trending on Twitter.

Check out a sampling of the witticism.

Some folks even came with some France-related tweets.

As fired up as fans were for the game, the scoreless draw left a lot to be desired — unless the British have a verrrrrrrrry long memory.

Gen. George Washington was known for his expert placement of set pieces, so all these analogies are valid.