Rob Gronkowski Says Spike at Wembley Stadium Was Inspired by ‘The Little Nutcracker Dude’


Oct 29, 2012

Rob Gronkowski Says Spike at Wembley Stadium Was Inspired by 'The Little Nutcracker Dude'When Rob Gronkowski punctuated his first touchdown in the Patriots' victory over the Rams in London on Sunday with a trademark spike, everyone assumed he was paying homage to the local guards at Buckingham Palace.

He was — we think.

When asked later about the marching steps that preceded his spike, Gronkowski gave an explanation that shed some light on his understanding of basic British lore.

"The little Nutcracker dude, guarding the house, the palace," Gronkowski said of his inspiration. "I like how he just sits there and stays still. It's pretty cool. I give credit to Chandler [Jones]. He told me to do it."

The guards at London's Buckingham Palace are famous for standing rigidly at attention in their traditional uniforms, not cracking a smile even for something as enjoyable as a Gronk spike.

But now that Gronkowski has mixed up the guards with characters from The Nutcracker, he may have repercussions to worry about.

Click here to see Gronkowski's special spike>>

Click here to see Gronkowski spike a microphone in London>>

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