Patrice Bergeron Injury: Bruce Cassidy Offers Insight On Upcoming Absence

Bergeron will miss at least two games

The Boston Bruins will be without captain Patrice Bergeron for at least the next two games ahead of Wednesday’s clash against the Minnesota Wild.

Patrice Bergeron has suffered a bit of a setback from a previous upper-body injury, according to Bruins coach Bruce Cassidy.

“Yeah, Bergy’s not here. He’s out. A previous injury that’s kind of re-emerged so there’s risk for infection so he went back to Boston. He’ll be out tonight and in Winnipeg (Friday) and then we’ll decide, the doctors will decide after that. So he’ll be out the next two at least,” Cassidy said, per a team-provided video.

Cassidy acknowledged how Bergeron’s injury was nothing to do with a head laceration he suffered against the Pittsburgh Penguins last month. It was some sort of arm ailment that Bergeron initially suffered in a Bruins practice.

“Somewhere on his arm area that we’re just trying to be cautious about at the end of the day,” Cassidy continued. “We don’t want anything to come of it.”

Tomas Nosek will move up to the top line to center Brad Marchand and Jake DeBrusk with Anton Blidh sliding into Nosek’s fourth line spot, according to Cassidy. Boston had planned to have Jack Studnicka slot into the forward group, but Studnicka will not be able to arrive in Minnesota in time.

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Puck drop between Bruins-Wild is set for 7:30 p.m. ET.