Podcast: Mike Trout’s Path To Stardom Had Humble High School Origins


May 20, 2015

Fenway Park will receive an extra injection of star power this weekend when Mike Trout and the Los Angeles Angels visit the beloved ballpark.

As much as Trout, the reigning American League MVP, seems like a sure thing now, the player now widely regarded as the best in baseball has an unlikely origin story. From a runt second baseman who had trouble throwing the first base, Trout blossomed into a first-round draft pick out of high school.

With the Boston Red Sox, whose offense remains a concern, set to host the Angels in a three-game set, Millville High School baseball coach Roy Hallenbeck, who had a front-row seat to Trout’s development, joined Ben Watanabe on the NESN.com podcast. In addition, NESN.com Red Sox beat writer Ricky Doyle sat down with Ashley Allen to discuss what roster changes might be considered if Boston’s struggles continue.

Listen to the podcast or download it in the player below.

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Thumbnail Photo via Gary A. Vasquez/USA TODAY Sports Images

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