NFL Rumors: Saints Face Major Discipline For Celebrating Without Masks

Videos showed Saints coaches and players dancing in their locker room

The New Orleans Saints threw caution to the wind last Sunday night, and they reportedly will pay the price.

Videos showed Saints players and coaches, including Jameis Winston and Sean Payton, celebrating while not wearing masks — a violation of NFL COVID-19 protocols — following their win over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. The post-game scene was raucous, with players dancing and acting as if they’d won a playoff game.

But the NFL apparently was not amused, as the Saints face potential “significant discipline” from the league, ESPN’s Adam Schefter reported Sunday morning, citing sources.

From his column:

The Saints are facing stiff fines and the loss of a draft pick, similar to the action the NFL took against the Raiders earlier this month, when Las Vegas was fined $500,000, head coach Jon Gruden was fined $150,000 and the franchise was stripped of a sixth-round pick for COVID-19 protocol violations.

Discipline is expected to be handed down this week, according to a source, though the NFL and the Saints’ legal team spent previous days discussing the issue.

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It’s worth noting the viral video being used as evidence was first posted to Instagram by Saints receiver Tre’Quan Smith.

Linebacker Demario Davis and safety C. J. Gardner-Johnson also posted videos of the celebration.