Blue Jays Reportedly Ticked Off About Rays Stealing Scouting Report Card

Is this fair or poor sportsmanship?

The Toronto Blue Jays probably didn’t need any added motivation going up against the Tampa Bay Rays on Tuesday — the race for the American League wild card should be plenty.

Toronto, however, got just that following an incident during Monday’s matchup.

The issue comes after Rays center fielder Kevin Kiermaier grabbed a scouting report card that Blue Jays catcher Alejandro Kirk apparently lost as he went to place a tag on Kiermaier in the sixth inning. That card, according to Sportsnet’s Arash Madani, revealed Toronto’s game plan on pitching to Rays’ hitters.

The Blue Jays quickly realized what had happened, according to Madani, but when the team sent a Toronto bat boy over to request the card the Rays “scoffed” at the idea.

You can watch the video below:

Given the fact Kiermaier picked it up off the ground, rather than in some way plotting to take it, does it make it fair game? Or is that a lack of sportsmanship shown by the Rays?

Well, that’s for each to argue.