Former Patriots Player Uses Best Tom Brady Nickname In Tribute Post

'I truly can't believe I'm writing this'

Forget “TB12,” “Tom Terrific,” “Tompa Bay” and “The Goat.” The best Tom Brady nickname, without question, is “The Pharaoh.”

Former New England Patriots linebacker Brandon Spikes used to call Brady “The Pharaoh,” and the legendary NFL quarterback apparently hated it. But that didn’t stop Spikes from using it Thursday afternoon in his tribute post for Brady, who retired from the NFL on Tuesday.

Take a look:

Spikes might be taking Brady’s retirement worse than Patriots fans, many of whom have been up in arms over how their favorite player worded his farewell statement.

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Check out some of Spikes’ other tweets:

By the way, don’t start using “The Pharaoh” to describe Brady. Spikes apparently has trademarked the phrase.