Could Former Patriot Cam Newton Reunite With Bill Belichick?

Newton has not played since the 2021 season

Cam Newton on Tuesday revealed he only has one team in mind for a potential comeback, and it could reunite the former New England Patriots quarterback with Bill Belichick.

Newton has been out of the league since the 2021 season, and he’s found plenty of success outside of the field via his podcast where he’s dropped eye-popping takes. He’s spoken on his podcast about a potential comeback and admitted the New York Jets weren’t an ideal fit for him since it would serve to cause outside controversy with Zach Wilson.

The 34-year-old appeared on “Good Morning Football” with Brandon Marshall, who asked Newton for three teams he would like to play with.

“It’s not even three. It’s just really one,” Newton said on the NFL Media program. “Me having a family now, it’s always been about family, and I don’t see myself leaving Atlanta. If it’s not Atlanta, I don’t want to do it.”

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Marshall immediately made the connection with Belichick, who interviewed twice with the Atlanta Falcons. Newton didn’t elaborate on the potential Belichick reunion, but if the former Patriots head coach does want to bring the band back together on the sideline, he could add in former players to help establish the culture he wants to set.

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Newton played in New England for the 2020 season, and while the Patriots didn’t make the playoffs, he was a highly-regarded locker-room presence.

However, Newton admitted he’s primarily focused on his family and his YouTube channel, so it seemingly would take a reasonable offer for him to step back on the football field.