Super Bowl Odds: Here’s How Public Is Betting On Rams-Bengals

DraftKings Sportsbook revealed 60% of spread bets are on the Bengals

There are hundreds of ways to place a wager on Sunday’s Super Bowl LVI between the Los Angeles Rams and Cincinnati Bengals, but some clearly are more enticing than others.

DraftKings Sportsbook revealed in a release Sunday how 56.2% of spread bets they’ve received are on the Bengals to cover the four-point spread. That’s resulted in 52.1% of the spread handle, or total money wagered.

The public, probably because fans love rooting for points, also have placed 58% of bets on Over 48.5, which has resulted in an identical 58% of the handle.

One aspect that may be a bit surprising, though, is that 63.7% of moneyline bets and 62.5% of the moneyline handle at DraftKings is on the Bengals to not only cover the spread, but win Super Bowl LVI outright. The Bengals are +170 on the moneyline ($100 bet pays out $270) at DraftKings, which has moved a bit since the opening prices were released.

PointsBet Sportsbook is a bit different in regards to moneyline wagers, as shared in a release Sunday afternoon. Cincinnati has received 53% of moneyline bets, but the favored Rams are responsible for 52% of the handle, which has drastically changed Sunday. Los Angeles previously was responsible for 69% of the handle, as released by PointsBet on Saturday.

Bengals moneyline bets at PointsBet — +165, $100 wager would pay out $265 — is the single most popular wager in Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.

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Of course, there are far more options than just the spread, side and total as the props offered are seemingly infinite.

PointsBet revealed the five most popular props include Cooper Kupp anytime touchdown (-160), followed by Ja’Marr Chase anytime touchdown (+105), Odell Beckham Jr. anytime touchdown (+125), Joe Burrow Over 1.5 passing touchdowns (-191) and Joe Mixon anytime scorer (-110).

One of the most popular props is pertaining to who will win Super Bowl MVP, too. Rams defensive tackle Aaron Donald (12-to-1) has garnered 19.9% of wagers, according to PointsBet. Donald is followed by Burrow (12.5%), Stafford (11.6%) along with LA wideouts Kupp (9.6%) and Beckham (6.5%).

NESN’s big game coverage is presented by Berkshire Bank.