Metta World Peace Imagines A Country Where He’s President, And It’s Awesome

by abournenesn

Nov 8, 2016

If you’re like some of us, you’re probably sick of the bickering on both sides of the aisle during this U.S. presidential campaign. Allow us to introduce a third party candidate: Metta World Peace.

World Peace — or the artist formerly known as Ron Artest — got into the presidential spirit on Election Day by creating his own hashtag, #ifmettawaspresident, that described a world in which he’s our Commander in Chief.

If anything, the Los Angeles Lakers forward is known for being an entertainer, and his string of tweets didn’t disappoint.

Metta also made a terrific reference to the infamous “Malice at the Palace” in a tweet he unfortunately has deleted:

“If I was president, I would hire the guy that hit me with the beer as my advisor. And instead of war, I would throw beer cans at enemies.”

Now, some more important stipulations for an America run by World Peace:

We can get on board with this:

He’d also be a practical president.

We don’t really know what this means, but it seems reasonable:

Above all else, though, World Peace just wants people to get out and vote. Kind of.

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