Ex-Patriots Wideout Perfectly Sums Up Tom Brady Retirement Confusion

'Nvm lol'

Want a perfect encapsulation of Saturday’s Tom Brady maybe-retirement saga? Just take a look at Josh Gordon’s Twitter feed.

After news broke that Brady was retiring from the NFL, Gordon, who played with the 44-year-old quarterback in New England in 2018 and 2019, shared a message of appreciation.

“Thank you for being you brotha,” Gordon wrote, followed by the goat emoji.

Then, five minutes later, this:

Yep, that sounds about right.

Saturday afternoon featured a wild flurry of Brady reports and rebuttals. ESPN’s Adam Schefter and Jeff Darlington initially reported Brady was retiring after 22 seasons, only for the superstar QB’s agent and father both to issue statements indicating he had yet to make his final decision. Brady also reportedly told the same to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

It remains very possible that Brady will, in fact, retire in the coming weeks. But for now, his will-he-or-won’t-he dance continues, leaving fans, media members and even former teammates in suspense.