Unconventional Touchdowns: Non-Quarterbacks Shaking Up the Super Bowl Betting Scene


Feb 7, 2024

In the realm of NFL betting, it’s often the unexpected that brings the most excitement. While quarterbacks typically hog the spotlight when it comes to throwing touchdown passes, there’s a tantalizing proposition lurking in the shadows: any non-quarterback to sling a touchdown pass. Picture a scenario where players like Travis Kelce or Christian McCaffrey step up to the challenge, defying convention and adding a new dimension to their game.

At 35 to 1 odds, the allure of this proposition is undeniable. Sure, it’s a long shot, but isn’t that what makes it so intriguing? Imagine the thrill of seeing a tight end or running back launching a perfect spiral into the end zone, shaking up the MVP market in the process.

Consider Deebo Samuel. While primarily known for his prowess as a receiver, he’s not a stranger to the quarterback position. With the right opportunity, he could find himself in the spotlight, executing a daring read option or unleashing a surprise pass.

And let’s not forget the unpredictability of Super Bowl plays. From the iconic “Philly Special” to Coach Andy Reid’s penchant for innovation in the red zone, anything is possible. The prospect of witnessing a non-quarterback tossing a touchdown pass becomes even more plausible in this high-stakes setting.

Take Travis Kelce as an example. Known for his elite receiving skills, seeing him line up under center might raise eyebrows. But with odds of +750 on the over for rushing yards, it’s evident that unconventional plays are not out of the question. Who’s to say Kelce won’t add another dimension to his game, surprising everyone with a well-timed pass?

These enticing props add an extra layer of excitement to the Super Bowl experience. It’s not just about cheering for your favorite team; it’s about the thrill of the unexpected, the rush of witnessing history unfold on the field.

As you consider your betting options for the big game, don’t overlook the potential for non-quarterbacks to make their mark. From Travis Kelce to Deebo Samuel, the stage is set for an electrifying display of talent and innovation. After all, in the NFL, anything can happen – especially on the grand stage of the Super Bowl.

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Thumbnail photo via Tommy Gilligan-USA TODAY Sports

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