Despite ESPN’s best efforts, Tiger Woods wasn’t having a good hair day.
The network appeared to doctor Woods’ arrest photos Monday, with Twitter users pointing out the differences between the golfer’s actual mugshot and the picture used on “SportsCenter.”
On a scale of 1 to Nick Nolte, I'd say this mug shot is an 8. Unless you are looking at the Photoshopped @SportsCenter version.
— Geoff Shackelford (@GeoffShac) May 29, 2017
Woods was arrested early Monday morning on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. He was found asleep at the wheel of his car in South Florida and failed a sobriety test, according to police.
Nevertheless, the golf superstar claims he hadn’t been drinking alcohol Sunday night and added that his prescription medications caused his driving problems.
In the coming days, sports fans will gain a clearer picture about what happened with Woods. And they’ll be counting on ESPN to tell the whole story — warts, thinning hair and all.
Thumbnail photo via Orlando Ramirez/USA TODAY Sports Images